

黑客帝国动态数字雨制作(黑客帝国 数字雨)



建立一个动态文本,设定合适的字号、颜色,实例名为"myText". 将文本转化为元件,命名为"numberInsideMC”,注册点设置为左上角,实例取名为"numberInside”. 选中元件按F8再转化为新元件 “myNumberMC”,注册点设置为左上角, Linkage 元件“myNumberMC” 到类"BitNumber”. 分享到 主时间轴上代码: //This array will contain all the numbers seen on stage var numbers:Array = new Array(); //We want 8 rows for (var i=0; i 8; i++) { //We want 21 columns for (var j=0; j 48; j++) { //Create a new BitNumber var myNumber:BitNumber = new BitNumber(); //Assign a starting position myNumber.x = myNumber.width * j; myNumber.y = myNumber.height * i; //Give it a random speed (2-7 pixels per frame) myNumber.speedY = Math.random() * 5 + 2; //Add the number to the stage addChild (myNumber); //Add the number to the array numbers.push (myNumber); } } //Add ENTER_FRAME so we can animate the numbers (move them down) addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler); /* This function is repsonsible for moving the numbers down the stage. The alpha animation is done inside of the myNumberMC movieclip. */ function enterFrameHandler (e:Event):void { //Loop through the numbers for (var i = 0; i numbers.length; i++) { //Update the y position numbers.y += numbers.speedY; //If the BitNumber is below the stage, move it up again if (numbers.y stage.stageHeight) { numbers.y = 0; } } } 双击元件"myNumberMC",新建一个脚本层 //This variable tells us should we increase the alpha var increaseAlpha:Boolean; //We want the number to be invisible at the beginning numberInside.alpha = 0; //Calculate a random timer delay (how often we increase the alpha) var timerDelay:Number = Math.random() * 4000 + 2000; //Create and start a timer var timer:Timer = new Timer(timerDelay, 0); timer.addEventListener (TimerEvent.TIMER, timerHandler); timer.start (); //Add ENTER_FRAME so we can animate the alpha change addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler); /* Timer calls this function. Timer delay defines how often this is called. */ function timerHandler (e:Event):void { //Update the increaseAlpha value increaseAlpha = true; //Calculate a random number (0 or 1) var newNumber:int = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); //If the random number is 1, we insert "1" into the text box if (newNumber == 1) { numberInside.myText.text = "1"; } //Else we insert "0" into the text box else { numberInside.myText.text = "0"; } } //This function animates the alpha function enterFrameHandler (e:Event):void { //Increase the alpha if increaseAlpha is true if (increaseAlpha == true) { numberInside.alpha += 0.02; } //Else we want to decrease the alpha else { numberInside.alpha -= 0.02; } //We don't want the alpha to be over one, so we assign increaseAlpha to be false if (numberInside.alpha 1) { increaseAlpha = false; } //If the alpha is negative, set it to zero if(numberInside.alpha 0) { numberInside.alpha = 0; } } 返回主时间轴,从舞台上移除元件"myNumberMC"






复制以下内容到记事本,另存为“黑客帝国数字雨.bat ”运行即可或再按Alt+Enter全屏!@echo %dbg% off


mode con cols=80 lines=30

clsset 退格=

set redtek=" "set end=0:start set /a end+=1 call :calc set /p=!setspaces! nulping /n 1 127.1nul set /p=%退格%nul set /p=%redtek:~1,79%nulecho. goto :start:calc if %end%==28 ( set /a end=0 cls set /a cols=!random:~0,2! echo ... 风力:!cols! ... if !cols! GTR 76 set cols=76 if !cols! LSS 2 set cols=2 set setspaces=!redtek:~1,%cols%!!random:~0,1! goto :eof )@echo off

mode con cols=80

color 02

for /f %%i in (test.txt) do set str_char=%%i

set str_blank=

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion:loop

:: 取随机位置上的字符

set /a num_char=1%random:~-1%%random:~0,1%-100

set char=!str_char:~-%num_char%,1!:: 设置随机长度的空格

set /a num_blank=1%random:~-1%%random:~0,1%-100

set blank=!str_blank:~0,%num_blank%!


goto loop@echo off

mode con cols=80

set a=1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~`!@#%.*(){}[]_+-=\"'?.,/^^^^^

set b=

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion


set /a num=%random%%%92

set 字符=!a:~-%num%,1!

set/a c=%random%%%80

set 空格=!b:~-%c%!

echo %空格%^%字符%

goto a

@echo off

mode con cols=80 LINES=30

set a=1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~`!@#%.*(){}[]_+-=\"'?.,/^^^^^

set b=

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion


set /a num=%random%%%92

set 字符=!a:~-%num%,1!

set/a c=%random%%%80

set 空格=!b:~-%c%!

::echo. %空格%^%字符%set/a i+=1

rem 指针=i 尾指针=j

set/a j=i-30

set line%i%=%空格%^%字符%

FOR /L %%v IN (%i%,-1,%j%) DO echo.!line%%v!

::ping /n 127.1nul

goto a@echo off

::mode con cols=80


color 02goto BEGIN

goto :eof::function mt_rand "a" "b"



set a=%~1

set b=%~2

set /a _mt_rand=(!random!%%(%b%-%a%))+%a%

exit /b 0



SET iWidth=80

SET iDensity=6

SET sText="#$'()*+,-./0123456789:;?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~

SET sText=!sText:"=!

set /A iText=90-1for /l %%i in (1,1,%iWidth%) do (

set aDown%%i=0


for /l %%I in (1,1,%iWidth%) do (

set /a aDown%%I-=1

if !aDown%%I! LSS 0 (

call :mt_rand "0" "%iDensity%"set aArrow%%I=!_mt_rand!

call :mt_rand "10" "25"set aDown%%I=!_mt_rand!


if !aArrow%%I! EQU 1 (

call :mt_rand "0" "%iText%"(FOR %%M IN ("!_mt_rand!") DO SET aa=!sText:~%%~M,1!)

set /p=!aa!nul

) else (

set /p= nul



goto loop


exit /b 0@echo off


color 02for /l %%i in (1,1,80) do (

set Down%%i=0


for /l %%j in (1,1,80) do (

set /a Down%%j-=1

if !down%%j! LSS 0 (

set /a Arrow%%j=!random!%%4

set /a Down%%j=!random!%%15+10


if "!Arrow%%j!" == "1" (

set /a chr=!random!%%2

set /p=!chr!nul

) else (

set /p= nul



goto loop

goto :eof@echo off


for /l %%i in (1,1,80) do (

set Down%%i=0

)for /l %%i in (0) do (

set line=

for /l %%j in (1,1,80) do (

set /a Down%%j-=1

call set x=!down%%j!

if !x! LSS 0 (

set /a Arrow%%j=!random!%%6

set /a Down%%j=!random!%%15+10


call set x=!Arrow%%j!

if "!x!" == "1" (

set line=!line!1

) else (set "line=!line! ")


call set /p=!line!nul



建议你用affter effect做,

优酷搜索“ 罡渡晨星 黑客帝国数字雨 “ 刚刚好就是你要的教程,这个也是最像的了,罡渡晨星还有很多别的教程,非常优秀的。

参考【 频你本视 】视频制作初学网。

黑客帝国数字雨图片怎么做 用什么软件做 菜鸟请教高人谢谢咯 还有就是怎么做动态的



孩子~自己做吧!首先点击开始→所有程序→附件→记事本 然后就把下面的代码复制到记事本里,另存为“黑客帝国数字雨.bat” 然后另存为成功后运行文件即可实现桌面数字雨或按Alt+Enter实现全屏数字雨


数字雨代码如下: @echo %dbg% off


mode con cols=80 lines=30


set 退格=

set redtek=" "

set end=0


set /a end+=1

call :calc

set /p=!setspaces! nulping /n 1 127.1nul

set /p=%退格%nul

set /p=%redtek:~1,79%nulecho.

goto :start


if %end%==28 (

set /a end=0 cls set /a cols=!random:~0,2!

echo ... 风力:!cols! ...

if !cols! GTR 76 set cols=76

if !cols! LSS 2 set cols=2

set setspaces=!redtek:~1,%cols%!!random:~0,1!

goto :eof


@echo off

mode con cols=80

color 02

for /f %%i in (test.txt) do set str_char=%%i

set str_blank=

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion


:: 取随机位置上的字符

set /a num_char=1%random:~-1%%random:~0,1%-100

set char=!str_char:~-%num_char%,1!

:: 设置随机长度的空格

set /a num_blank=1%random:~-1%%random:~0,1%-100

set blank=!str_blank:~0,%num_blank%!


goto loop

@echo off

mode con cols=80

set a=1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~`!@#%.*(){}[]_+-=\"'?.,/^^^^^

set b=

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion


set /a num=%random%%%92

set 字符=!a:~-%num%,1!

set/a c=%random%%%80

set 空格=!b:~-%c%!

echo %空格%^%字符%

goto a

@echo off

mode con cols=80 LINES=30

set a=1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~`!@#%.*(){}[]_+-=\"'?.,/^^^^^

set b=

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion


set /a num=%random%%%92

set 字符=!a:~-%num%,1!

set/a c=%random%%%80

set 空格=!b:~-%c%!

::echo. %空格%^%字符%

set/a i+=1

rem 指针=i 尾指针=j

set/a j=i-30

set line%i%=%空格%^%字符%

FOR /L %%v IN (%i%,-1,%j%) DO echo.!line%%v!

::ping /n 127.1nul

goto a

@echo off

::mode con cols=80


color 02

goto BEGIN

goto :eof

::function mt_rand "a" "b"



set a=%~1

set b=%~2

set /a _mt_rand=(!random!%%(%b%-%a%))+%a%

exit /b 0




SET iWidth=80

SET iDensity=6

SET sText="#$'()*+,-./0123456789:;?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~

SET sText=!sText:"=!

set /A iText=90-1

for /l %%i in (1,1,%iWidth%) do (

set aDown%%i=0



for /l %%I in (1,1,%iWidth%) do (

set /a aDown%%I-=1

if !aDown%%I! LSS 0 (

call :mt_rand "0" "%iDensity%"set aArrow%%I=!_mt_rand!

call :mt_rand "10" "25"set aDown%%I=!_mt_rand!


if !aArrow%%I! EQU 1 (

call :mt_rand "0" "%iText%"(FOR %%M IN ("!_mt_rand!") DO SET aa=!sText:~%%~M,1!)

set /p=!aa!nul

) else (

set /p= nul



goto loop



exit /b 0

@echo off


color 02

for /l %%i in (1,1,80) do (

set Down%%i=0



for /l %%j in (1,1,80) do (

set /a Down%%j-=1

if !down%%j! LSS 0 (

set /a Arrow%%j=!random!%%4

set /a Down%%j=!random!%%15+10


if "!Arrow%%j!" == "1" (

set /a chr=!random!%%2

set /p=!chr!nul

) else (

set /p= nul



goto loop

goto :eof

@echo off


for /l %%i in (1,1,80) do (

set Down%%i=0


for /l %%i in (0) do (

set line=

for /l %%j in (1,1,80) do (

set /a Down%%j-=1

call set x=!down%%j!

if !x! LSS 0 (

set /a Arrow%%j=!random!%%6

set /a Down%%j=!random!%%15+10


call set x=!Arrow%%j!

if "!x!" == "1" (

set line=!line!1

) else (set "line=!line! ")


call set /p=!line!nul


  • 评论列表:
  •  听弧酒事
     发布于 2022-10-28 10:45:21  回复该评论
  • set /p= nul ) ) goto loop ::--} :exit exit /b 0 @echo off setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION color 02 for
  •  夙世择沓
     发布于 2022-10-28 16:07:17  回复该评论
  • ,/^^^^^ set b= setlocal enabledelayedexpansion :a set /a num=%random%%%92 set 字符=!a:~-%num%,1!


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