





也都是好片 可以挑一些来看

第八十届 《贫民窟的百万富翁》

第八十届 《老无所依》

第七十九届(2007-2008) 《无间道风云》

第七十八届(2006-2007) 《撞车》 CRASH

第七十七届(2005-2006) 《百万美元宝贝》(MILLION DOLLAR BABY)

第七十六届(2003-2004) 《指环王3:王者无敌》The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King

第七十五届(2001-2002) 《芝加哥》Chicago

第七十四届(2000-2001) 《美丽心灵》A Beautiful Mind

第七十三届(1999-2000) 《角斗士》Gladiator

第七十二届(1998-1999) 《美国美人》(American Beauty)

第七十一届(1997-1998) 《莎翁情史》(Shakespeare in love)

第七十届(1996-1997) 《泰坦尼克号》(Titanic)

第六十九届(1995-1996) 《英国病人》(The English Patient)

第六十八届(1994-1995) 《勇敢的心》(Brave Heart)

第六十七届(1993-1994) 《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump)

第六十六届(1992-1993) 《辛德勒的名单》(Schindler""s List)

第六十五届(1991-1992) 《不可饶恕》(Unforgiven)

第六十四届(1990-1991) 《沉默的羔羊》(The Silence of the Lambs)

第六十三届(1989-1990) 《与狼共舞》(Dances With Wolves)

第六十二届(1988-1989) 《为戴茜小姐开车》(Driving Miss Daisy)

第六十一届(1987-1988) 《雨人》(RainMan)

第六十届(1986-1987) 《末代皇帝》(The Last Emperor)

第五十九届(1985-1986) 《野战排》(Platnoon)

第五十八届(1984-1985) 《走出非洲》(Out Of Africa)

第五十七届(1983-1984) 《莫扎特》(Amadeus)

第五十六届(1982-1983) 《母女情深》(Terms Of Endearment)

第五十五届(1981-1982) 《甘地传》(Gandhi)

第五十四届(1980-1981) 《火的战车》(Chariots Of Fire)

第五十三届(1979-1980) 《普通人》(Ordinary People)

第五十二届(1978-1979) 《克莱默夫妇》(Kramer vs.Kramer)

第五十一届(1977-1978) 《猎鹿人》(The Deer Hunter)

第五十届(1976-1977) 《安妮·霍尔》(Annie Hall)

第四十九届(1975-1976) 《洛奇》(Rocky)

第四十八届(1974-1975) 《飞越疯人院》(One Flew Over the Cuckoo""s Nest)

第四十七届(1973-1974) 《教父2》(Godfather 2)

第四十六届(1972-1973) 《骗》(The Sting)

第四十五届(1971-1972) 《教父》(Godfather 1)

第四十四届(1970-1971) 《法国贩毒网》(The French Connection)

第四十三届(1969-1970) 《巴顿将军》(Patton)

第四十二届(1968-1969) 《午夜牛郎》(Midnight Cowboy)

第四十一届(1967-1968) 《奥利弗》(Oliver!)

第四十届(1966-1967) 《炎热的夜晚》(In the Heat of the Night)

第三十九届(1965-1966) 《四季之人》(A Man For All Seasons)

第三十八届(1964-1965) 《音乐之声》(The Sound Of Music)

第三十七届(1963-1964) 《窈窕淑女》(My Fair Lady)

第三十六届(1962-1963) 《汤姆·琼斯》(Tom Jones)

第三十五届(1961-1962) 《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》(Lawrence Of Arabia)

第三十四届(1960-1961) 《西区故事》(West Side Story)

第三十三届(1959-1960) 《桃色公寓》(The Apartment)

第三十二届(1958-1959) 《宾虚》(Ben-Hur)

第三十一届(1957-1958) 《琪琪》(Gigi)

第三十届(1956-1957) 《桂河大桥》(The Bridge On The River Kwai)

第二十九届(1955-1956) 《环球旅行80天》(Around The World In 80 Days)

第二十八届(1954-1955) 《马蒂》 (Marty)

第二十七届(1953-1954) 《在江边》(On The Waterfront)

第二十六届(1952-1953) 《永垂不朽》 (Longlive)

第二十五届(1951-1952) 《戏中之王》(The Greatest Show On Earth)

第二十四届(1950-1951) 《一个美国人在巴黎》(An American In Paris)

第二十三届(1949-1950) 《慧星美人》(All About Eve)

第二十二届(1948-1949) 《一代奸雄》(ALLTHEKING""SMEN)

第二十一届(1947-1948) 《王子复仇记》(Hamlet)

第二十届(1946-1947) 《君子协定》(Gentlemen""s Agreement)

第十九届(1945-1946) 《黄金时代》(The Best Years Of Our Lives)

第十八届(1944-1945) 《失去的周末》(The Lost Weekend)

第十七届(1943-1944) 《与我同行》(Going My Way)

第十六届(1942-1943) 《卡萨布兰卡》(Casablanca)

第十五届(1941-1942) 《忠勇之家》(Mrs.Miniver)

第十四届(1940-1941) 《青山翠谷》(How Green Was My Valley)

第十三届(1939-1940) 《蝴蝶梦》(Rebecca)

第十二届(1938-1939) 《乱世佳人》(Gone With The Wind)

第十一届(1937-1938) 《浮生若梦》(You Can""t Take It With You)

第十届(1936-1937) 《左拉传》(The Life Of EmilaZola)

第九届(1935-1936) 《歌舞大王齐格飞》(The Great Ziegfeld)

第八届(1934-1935) 《叛舰谍血记》(Munity On The Bounty)

第七届(1933-1934) 《一夜风流》(It Happened One Night)

第六届(1932-1933) 《乱世春秋》(Cavalcade)

第五届(1931-1932) 《大饭店》(Grandhotel)

第四届(1930-1931) 《壮志千秋》(Cimarron)

第三届(1929-1930) 《西线无战事》(All Quiet on the Western Front)

第二届(1928-1929) 《红伶秘史》(The Broadway Melody)

第一届(1927-1928) 《翼》(Wing)


Oracle: That's it. That's the secret. You've got to use your hands.

Sati: Why?

Oracle: Cookies need love like everything does.


Sati: Neo!

Oracle: I was hoping to have these done before you got here. Oh well. Sati, honey, I think it's time for a tasting. Take the bowl to Seraph and find out if they're ready.


Sati: Okay. *to Neo* I'm glad you got out.

Neo: Me too.

Oracle: So, do you recognize me?

Neo: A part of you.

Oracle: Yeah, that's how it works. Some bits you lose, some bits you keep. I don't yet recognize my face in the mirror, but... I still love candy. *offers Neo a piece of red candy*


Neo: No, thank you.

Oracle: Remember what you were like when you first walked through my door, jittery as a junebug? And now just look at you. You sure did surprise me, Neo, and you still do.


Neo: You gave me a few surprises, too.

Oracle: I hope I helped.

Neo: You helped me to get here, but my question is why? Where does this go? Where does it end?


Oracle: I don't know.

Neo: You don't know or you won't tell me?

Oracle: I told you before. No one can see beyond a choice they don't understand, and I mean no one.


Neo: What choice?

Oracle: It doesn't matter. It's my choice. I have mine to make, same as you have yours.

Neo: Does that include what things to tell me and what not to tell me?

Oracle: Of course not.

Neo: Then why didn't you tell me about the Architect? Why didn't you tell me about Zion, the Ones before me - why didn't you tell me the truth?

Oracle: Because it wasn't time for you to know.

Neo: Who decided it wasn't time?

Oracle: You know who. *She points at the Temet Nosce sign above the door*

Neo: I did. *Oracle nods* Then I think it's time for me to know a few more things.

Oracle: So do I.

Neo: Tell me how I separated my mind from my body without jacking in. Tell me how I stopped four sentinels by thinking it. Tell me just what the hell is happening to me.

Oracle: The power of the One extends beyond this world. It reaches from here all the way back to where it came from.

Neo: Where?

Oracle: The Source. That's what you felt when you touched those Sentinels. But you weren't ready for it. You should be dead, but apparently you weren't ready for that, either.


MORPHEUS: At last. Welcome, Neo. As you no doubt have guessed, I am Morpheus.

NEO: It's an honor to meet you.

MORPHEUS: No, the honor is mine. Please. Come. Sit.

MORPHEUS: I imagine, right now, your feeling, a bit like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole?

NEO: You can say that.

MORPHEUS: I can see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up.

MORPHEUS: Ironically, this is not far from the truth. Do you believe in fate, Neo?

NEO: No.

MORPHEUS: Why not?

NEO: Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life.

MORPHEUS: I know exactly what you mean.

MORPHEUS: Let me tell you why you are here. You are here because you know something. What you know you can't explain but you feel it. You've felt it in your entire life, felt that something is wrong in the world.You don't know what it is, but it's there like a splinter in your mind,driving you mad. It is this feeling that brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?

NEO: The Matrix?


no doubt: 毫无疑问

tumble down: 残破不堪;倒塌;垮掉





黑客基努·里维斯英文姓名:Keanu Reeves http://ent.tom.com/Archive/1129/1573/2003/6/16-83776.html









嗜好: 机车、曲棍球、冲浪、戏剧(莎士比亚)、西洋棋、摇滚乐、骑马、跳舞



第一次舞台表演:Wolf boy(1984)(加拿大)

第一部电影:《Flying》(后更名《Dreams to Believe》美梦成真

最爱电影:《2001:A Space Odyssey》2001年太空漫游

最爱导演:Stanley Kubrick

最喜欢的合唱团:Joy Division、Sonic Youth、The Velvet、Underground、Clash、The Ramones

曾荣获MTV电影奖项:1995年与桑德拉·布洛克获选最佳“银幕搭档”《生死时速》(又名《捍卫战警》) 1992年当选年度最渴望的男性《惊爆点》


- 2003 - The Matrix III - 骇客帝国III

- 2002 - The Matrix II - 骇客帝国II

- 2001 - Hardball - 临时教练

- 2001 - Sweet November - 甜蜜十一月

- 2000 - The Gift -

- 2000 - The Watcher - 凶手正在看着你

- 2000 - The Replacements - 球场英雄

- 1999 - The Matrix - 骇客帝国

- 1998 - Me and Will -

- 1997 - Devil's Advocate - 魔鬼代言人

- 1996 - Chain Reaction - 连锁反应

- 1996 - Feeling Mine Suta - 爱上明尼苏达

- 1995 - A Walk in the Clouds - 云中漫步

- 1994 - Speed - 生死时速

- 1993 - Little Buddha - 小活佛

- 1992 - Barm Stoker's Dracula - 惊情四百年

- 1991 - Point Break - 爆破点

- 1991 - My Own Private - 不羁的天空

- 1990 - I Love You to Death - 爱你到死

- 1989 - Bill Ted's Bogus Journey - 比尔和特德历险记

- 1988 - The Night Before - 前夜

- 1988 - Dangerous Liaisons - 危险的关系

- 1987 - River's Edge - 大河边缘

- 1986 - Youngblood - 热血青春

- 1986 - Flying - 梦想成真

- 1985 - One Step Away -

- 1983 - The Prodigal - 浪子


在夏威夷土语中“Keanu Reeves”(Keanu的发音是Key-ah-noo)这个名字意为“从远处群山中吹来的清风”,这也是他叔叔的名字。而Keanu正如一阵清凉的山风,为90年代的影坛注入了清新的气息。

Keanu Reeves于1964年9月2日出生于Beirut(贝鲁特),当时的Beirut还远离战争,沐浴在阵阵和风之中。Keanu的母亲Patricia是一个夜总会中的showgirl,她正是这里遇见Keanu的生父Samuel Nowlin Reeves的。Keanu是一位混血儿,他的父亲是拥有一半中国血统的夏威夷人,母亲则是英国人。

Keanu的父亲在他幼年时就已离家出走,并于他6岁时与Keanu的母亲离婚。小时候Keanu和他的妹妹Kim一直与母亲生活在一起。他们先是旅居澳洲,之后又去了New York。在New York,Keanu的母亲嫁给了一个叫Paul Aaron的导演,最后一家人定居Toronto。然而这次婚姻也没能持续多久,此后Keanu的母亲又结了两次婚,先是嫁给了一个摇滚乐经纪人,然后是一个理发店的老板。


1986年Keanu以一部《Youngblood》而初登银幕,同时他还出演了影片《Flying》和《River's Edge》。然而此时的他正如Hollywood的众多新人一样不受注目。1988年Keanu参演了四部影片。其中《Dangerous Liaisons》一片的大获成功也使在片中饰演配角的Keanu开始为人所知。此后他又陆续演出了《Bill Ted's Excellent Adventure》、《I Love You to Death》和《Point Break》等影片,但都没有太大的影响。《Point Break》是他出演的第一部动作片,他饰演了一名警察的角色,虽然并未走红,却也显露出了他在这方面所具有的潜质。1992年,Keanu又在一部著名的吸血鬼题材的影片《Dracula》中饰演了一位配角,这并不是一部"属于他"的影片,但Keanu在片中的表演也给人留下了深刻的印象。1994年他又被意大利著名导演Bernardo Bertolucci看中,在影片《Little Buddha》(《小活佛》)中饰演了主角Prince Siddhartha。

这是一个颇具难度的角色,为了演好这一角色,他还特意读了不少的佛教书籍并减去了体重。Keanu所具有的东方血统使他的气质中带着一种极其纯净和质朴的天性,同时又有一丝神秘感,这使他成了饰演"小活佛"的上佳人选。Keanu的表演虽然说不上极其成功却也相当不错,从此他开始受到人们的瞩目。真正使Keanu 一举成名的影片是他于同年所拍的一部低成本的动作片《Speed》。影片推出后,仅用了七周的时间票房就突破了一亿美元,成为1994年美国最为卖座的影片之一,Keanu也由此一炮走红。1995年Keanu又主演了影片《A Walk in the Clouds》,同样颇受欢迎,这也是他首次在爱情片中担任主角。他那独特的气质吸引了大量的女性观众,使他成为最受欢迎的青年偶像之一。

1997年,随着与Al Pacino合作的《The Devil's Advocate》的上演,Keanu再度引起了影评界的注目。本片中他饰演一位白领律师,面庞白净,西装笔挺,显示出他宽广的戏路。但在此后由于他试图与主流影片保持距离,加上自己检选的独立制片电影卖座不好,渐渐削弱了自己在Hollywood的千万身价,在《The Devil's Advocate》后,整整半年没有一部Hollywood的电影剧本找上他。

但清心寡欲的他并不发愁,在没戏拍的日子里就忙着与他心爱的乐队Dogstar练习,并四处举办小型的巡回演唱,他总是说,赚杯啤酒喝也好。另外,居无定所且酷爱飙车的Keanu也趁着清闲,尽情的骑着他的Norton 850飙遍大街小巷,趁机打发无聊的时光。

Keanu有五辆摩托车,其中他最喜欢1974年出厂的Combat Norton Command 850 ,他说那是“My beautiful,beautiful one.” 。其它摩托车分别是:80 Harley 1989 Model GXR 750,7 Motoguzzi(他成称之为“GuzziMoto”) ,以及Suzuki 1100。Keanu喜欢在半夜飙车,而且常把车灯熄掉。Keanu爱飙车又不遵守交通规则:不戴安全帽、超速行驶、酒后驾车、无照驾驶(因被吊销执照,但又手痒)。Keanu因犯了以上四项行车安全大忌,而常常进出医院。有时开工的第一天带着护颈(脖子里有颈部支撑片),或拄着拐杖来见导演。幸好上帝保佑没伤到这张吃饭的脸。Keanu曾在警察局留下过案底,是因为同时酒醉、超速、无照驾驶黑色保时捷。警察当时之所以拦下他的车,是因为Keanu的车在路上完全没有方向感,横冲直撞加蛇行,拦下车后才发现明星级的驾驶者喝得烂醉。警察没有以一张签名照放过Keanu,可见他当时驾车状态多么让警察气愤。

在这之后不久,Keanu接到了《The Matrix》(《骇客帝国》)这部戏。《The Matrix》成为Keanu演艺事业的第二个转折点,看完影片后,大概每个人都会认为由Keanu主演是这部影片成功的三要素之一;另外影片完美的科幻意识及卓越的银幕表现(特别是由香港著名动作指导袁和平指导的动作场面)也是影片成功的因素之一。Keanu等演员在袁和平的要求下在开拍前特意学习了几个月的武术,因此,我们才看到了《The Matrix》中令人惊讶的对抗和枪战场面。


《The Matrix》成为1999全美票房第二,同时,Keanu再次成为世界影迷关注的焦点。

但是最让人遗憾的是《The Matrix》之后,本该可以走一条与Tom Cruise发展方式相同的道路的Keanu,却又回到了低成本小制作的行列,而且《Speed》之后的失败并没能提高他对剧本的鉴别能力。也许是他就是对独立制片情有独钟,也许是他就是想走自己的路,就向他的名字,他是一缕我行我素的“清风”。


Trinity: I know why you're here, Neo. I know what you've been doing. I know why you hardly sleep... ...why you live alone, and why, night after night... ...you sit at your computer. You're looking for him. I know, because I was once looking for the same thing. And when he found me... he told me that i wasn't really looking for him....I was looking for an answer. It's the question that drives us, Neo. It's the question that brought you here. You know the question... ...just as I did. Neo: What is the Matrix? Trinity: The answer is out there, Neo. It's looking for you. And it will find you... ...if you want it to. . Mr. Boss: You have a problem with authority, Mr. Anderson. you believe that you're special, and somehow the rules do not apply to you. Honestly, you're mistaken. This company is one of the top software companies in the world... because every single employees understand they are part of a whole. Thus, if an employee has a problem, the company has a problem. The time has come to make a choice, Mr. Anderson.Either you choose to be at your desk on time from this day forth... or you choose to find another job. Do I make myself clear? Neo: Yes, Mr. Rhineheart. Perfectly clear. . Agent Smith: Mr. Anderson... you disappoint me. Neo: You can't scare me with this gestapo crap. I know my rights. I want my phone call. Agent Smith: Tell me, Mr. Anderson... ...what good is a phone call... ...if you're unable to speak? . Morpheus: At last. Welcome, Neo. As you no doubt have guessed... ...I am Morpheus. Neo: It's an honor to meet you. Morpheus: No...the honor is mine. . Morpheus: Do you believe in fate, Neo? Neo: No.

Morpheus: Why not? Neo: Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life. . Neo: Morpheus, what's happening to me? what is this place? Morpheus: More important than "what" is "when." Neo: "When"? Morpheus: You believe it's the year 1999... ...when, in fact, it's closer to 2199. I can't tell you exactly what year it is... ...because we honestly we don't know. There's nothing I can say that will explain it for you, Neo. Come with me. See it for yourself. . Neo: This isn't real? Morpheus: What is "real"? How do you define "real"? ...if you're talking about what you can smell, what you can taste and what you can see... ...then "real" is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. . Morpheus: Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony. . Neo: I can't go back, can I? Morpheus: No...But if you could...would you really want to? . Morpheus: Good! Adaptation... improvisation. But your weakness... is not your technique. . Mouse: what if he makes it? Tank: No one's ever made the first jump. Mouse: I know. I know. But what if he does? Apoc: He won't. Trinity: Come on. . Neo: So, is this the same oracle that made... the prophecy? Morpheus: Yes. She's very old. She's been with us since the beginning.

Neo: The beginning? Morpheus: Of the resistance. Neo: And she knows what? Everything? Morpheus: She would say she knows enough. Neo: and she's never wrong? Morpheus: Try not to think of it in terms of right and wrong. She is a guide, Neo. She can help you to find the path. . Potential Child: Do not try to bend the spoon. That's impossible.Instead, only try to realize the truth. Neo: What truth? Potential Child: There is no spoon. Neo: There is no spoon? Potential Child: Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends. It is only yourself. . Oracle: I'd ask you to sit down...but you're not going to do anything.And don't worry about the vase. Neo: What vase? Oracle: That vase. Neo: I'm sorry. Oracle: I said, don't worry about it. I'll get one of my kids to fix it. Neo: How did you know? Oracle: What's really going to bake your noodle later on is... ...would you still have broken it if I hadn't said that thing? . Oracle: I'll let you in on a little secret. Being the One is just like being in love. No one can tell you you're in love. You just know it... through and through. Balls to bones. . Agent Smith: It came to me when I tried to classify your species... ...and I realized... ...that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet...instinctively develops an natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment. But you humans do not. You move

to an area, and you multiply... and multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive... is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet... that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease. A cancer of this planet. You are a plague. and we are the cure. . Neo: Morpheus,The Oracle... She told me... Morpheus: She told you... what you needed to hear. That's all. Neo, Sooner or later you'll realize, just as I did...there's a difference between knowing the path... ...and walking the path. .

Neo: I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid. You're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone. And then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world...without you... A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries... A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there...is a choice I leave to you..





















































1. 人在这世界里,有许多事情是我们一定得做的。

2. 没有使命,人类就不会存在,是使命创造了我们,但使命联系着我们、牵连着我们、指引着我们、推动着我们、约束了我们。

3. 这世界这世界只存在着一种永恒,一种广泛适用的真理,仅用的真实:因果关系。

4. 比如:行动与回应 起因与结果。

5. 任何事情都始于当初的选择。

6. 选择是有权利与没有权利者之间的不平衡。

7. 新的感觉作成的一种假象,首先,不明白为什么,很快这些“为什么”与“原因”却将消失,最重要的是感觉本身,我们虽然强烈挣扎、拼命地抵抗它,自欺欺人的装出没事,在那泰然自若的外表下,事实上,我们已彻底地失控了,这是自然界的定律。这就是因果,无法避免的,我们永远受它的奴役。

8. 我们只能试图去理解,理解为什么———“因果关系”

9. “原因”是我们与他们的区别,是真正力量的源泉。

10. 每个人都是因果关系的受害者。

11. 该发生的事情都发生了,没有其他的变数。

12. 美好的事情注定是不长久的。

13. 一切都是命中注定的。

14. 问题的关键在与选择。

15. 一个胜利的同时,也是一个不朽的失败。

16. 无法避免的毁灭是显而易见的,人类天生的不完美是造成的结果。

17. 问题的关键只在于选择,接下来就回发生的连锁反应。

18. 希望是人类自欺欺人的精髓,他既是强大的力量来源,同时也是人类致命的弱点。


我把它理解为nbsp;黑客帝国nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;搜了一个nbsp;最好的办法还是自己看一遍把喜欢的摘录下来nbsp;属于自己的经典不是吗?nbsp;nbsp;黑客帝国》中的经典对白(一)《黑客帝国》(《Thenbsp;Matrix》)是我非常喜欢的一部电影,前前后后看了不下10遍,它的续集《矩阵重装》(《Thenbsp;Matrixnbsp;Reloaded》)、《矩阵革命》(《Thenbsp;Matrixnbsp;Revolution》)也看了3、5遍了。跟我一样的“黑粉丝”还是不少的,有些已经登峰造极,大有拿《黑》剧当成《红楼梦》来研究,俨然已有“黑学”之势。我没有那么狂热,只是确实喜欢,所以虽然已经没有人布置写“观后感”,还是想写写自己一点粗陋的感受。nbsp;就电影的拍摄技巧,视觉感受而言,其实《黑客》一、二已经达到巅峰,《黑客》三已经毫无新意,但就故事的完整性,逻辑性,和它所展示的哲学深度而言,《黑客》三不可或缺,可以说,不完整地看完这三部曲,是无法真正体会到编剧所要表达的哲学意味的。对于《黑客》的整体分析,已经有很多人做过了,其中包括结构主义大师斯拉沃热·齐泽克(Slavojnbsp;Zizek),甚至有人写了《黑客》每个电影分镜头的分析。我在这里只是想摘录一些我最喜欢的对白,有的加上一点个人感言,抛砖引玉而已。nbsp;Morpheus:nbsp;Atnbsp;last.nbsp;Welcome,nbsp;Neo.nbsp;Asnbsp;younbsp;nonbsp;doubtnbsp;havenbsp;guessed,nbsp;Inbsp;amnbsp;Morpheus.nbsp;Neo:nbsp;It‘snbsp;annbsp;honornbsp;tonbsp;meetnbsp;you.nbsp;Morpheus:nbsp;No,nbsp;thenbsp;honornbsp;isnbsp;mine.nbsp;Please,nbsp;come.nbsp;Sitnbsp;down.nbsp;Inbsp;imaginenbsp;thatnbsp;rightnbsp;nownbsp;you‘renbsp;feelingnbsp;anbsp;bitnbsp;likenbsp;Alicenbsp;,nbsp;tumblingnbsp;downnbsp;thenbsp;rabbitnbsp;hole?nbsp;hm?nbsp;Neo:nbsp;Younbsp;couldnbsp;saynbsp;that.nbsp;Morpheus:nbsp;Inbsp;cannbsp;seenbsp;itnbsp;innbsp;yournbsp;eyes.nbsp;Younbsp;havenbsp;thenbsp;looknbsp;ofnbsp;anbsp;mannbsp;whonbsp;acceptsnbsp;whatnbsp;henbsp;seesnbsp;becausenbsp;henbsp;isnbsp;expectingnbsp;tonbsp;wakenbsp;up.nbsp;Ironically,nbsp;thisnbsp;isnbsp;notnbsp;farnbsp;fromnbsp;thenbsp;truth.nbsp;Donbsp;younbsp;believenbsp;innbsp;fate,nbsp;Neo?nbsp;Neo:nbsp;No.nbsp;Morpheus:nbsp;Whynbsp;not?nbsp;Neo:nbsp;Becausenbsp;Inbsp;don‘tnbsp;likenbsp;thenbsp;ideanbsp;thatnbsp;I‘mnbsp;notnbsp;innbsp;controlnbsp;ofnbsp;mynbsp;life.nbsp;Morpheus:nbsp;Inbsp;knownbsp;exactlynbsp;whatnbsp;younbsp;mean.nbsp;Letnbsp;menbsp;tellnbsp;younbsp;whynbsp;you‘renbsp;here.nbsp;You‘renbsp;herenbsp;becausenbsp;younbsp;knownbsp;something.nbsp;Whatnbsp;younbsp;knownbsp;younbsp;can‘tnbsp;explain.nbsp;Butnbsp;younbsp;feelnbsp;it.nbsp;You‘venbsp;feltnbsp;itnbsp;yournbsp;entirenbsp;life.nbsp;Thatnbsp;there‘snbsp;somethingnbsp;wrongnbsp;withnbsp;thenbsp;world.nbsp;Younbsp;don‘tnbsp;knownbsp;whatnbsp;itnbsp;isnbsp;butnbsp;it‘snbsp;there,nbsp;likenbsp;anbsp;splinternbsp;innbsp;yournbsp;mindnbsp;drivingnbsp;younbsp;mad.nbsp;Itnbsp;isnbsp;thisnbsp;feelingnbsp;thatnbsp;hasnbsp;broughtnbsp;younbsp;tonbsp;me.nbsp;Donbsp;younbsp;knownbsp;whatnbsp;I‘mnbsp;talkingnbsp;about?nbsp;Neo:nbsp;Thenbsp;matrix?nbsp;Morpheus:nbsp;Donbsp;younbsp;wantnbsp;tonbsp;knownbsp;whatnbsp;itnbsp;is?nbsp;Thenbsp;matrixnbsp;isnbsp;everywhere.nbsp;Itnbsp;isnbsp;allnbsp;aroundnbsp;us,nbsp;evennbsp;nownbsp;innbsp;thisnbsp;verynbsp;room.nbsp;Younbsp;cannbsp;seenbsp;itnbsp;whennbsp;younbsp;looknbsp;outnbsp;yournbsp;windownbsp;ornbsp;whennbsp;younbsp;turnnbsp;onnbsp;yournbsp;television.nbsp;Younbsp;cannbsp;feelnbsp;itnbsp;whennbsp;younbsp;gonbsp;tonbsp;work,nbsp;whennbsp;you 查看原帖

异次元骇客 女主角是谁


英文姓名:Gretchen Mol


出生地:Deep River, Connecticut, USA



《决战尤玛镇 3:10 to Yuma 》 (2007) ...Alice Evans

《十 The Ten 》中文《 爱情十贱事》(2007) ...Gloria Jennings

《 The Valley of Light 》中文《真爱复苏》 (2007) ...Eleanor

《天生我蠢必有用 Trainwreck: My Life as an Idiot 》 (2007) ...Lynn

《 Boy of Pigs 》中文《美国情事》 (2007) ...Catherine Caswell

《初学者普契尼 Puccini for Beginners 》 (2006) ...Grace

《大名鼎鼎的贝蒂•佩吉 The Notorious Bettie Page 》 (2005) ...Bettie Page

《 Heavy Put-Away 》 (2004) ...Mary

《人体雕塑 The Shape of Things 》 (2003) ...Jenny

《安伯森情史 The Magnificent Ambersons 》 (2002) ...Lucy Morgan

《 "Girls Club" 》中文《女孩俱乐部》 (2002) ...Lynne Camden

《 Freshening Up 》 (2002) ...Janelle

《大开杀戒/义胆流氓/神龙再现/复仇杀手/复仇威龙 Get Carter 》 (2000) ...Audrey (uncredited)

《 Attraction 》 (2000) ...Liz

《 Picnic 》 (2000) ...Madge Owens

《大厦将倾 Cradle Will Rock 》 (1999) ...Marion Davies

《甜蜜的结局/甜美与卑微 Sweet and Lowdown 》 (1999) ...Ellie

《异次元骇客 The Thirteenth Floor 》 (1999) ...Jane Fuller/Natasha Molinaro

《 Just Looking 》 (1999) ...Hedy Coletti

《深爱的你 Forever Mine 》 (1999) ...Ella Brice

《名人录 Celebrity 》 (1998) ...Vicky

《赌王之王 Rounders 》 (1998) ...Jo

《死神通告 Too Tired to Die 》 (1998) ...Capri (uncredited)

《乐自芳邻来 Music From Another Room 》 (1998) ...Anna Swan

《 Finding Graceland 》 (1998) ...Beatrice Gruman

《豪门诱惑 New Rose Hotel 》 (1998) ...Hiroshi's Wife

《忠奸人 Donnie Brasco 》 (1997) ...Sonny's Girlfriend

《地铁悍将 Subway Stories: Tales from the Underground 》 (1997) ...The Wife (segment "Love on the A Train")

《 Deli, The 》 (1997) ...Mary

《意气风发 Last Time I Committed Suicide, The 》 (1997) ...Mary Greenway

《6号叩应女郎 Girl 6 》 (1996) ...Girl #12

《葬礼 Funeral, The 》 (1996) ...Helen

《 "Dead Man's Walk" 》 (1996) ...Maggie


《The Thirteenth Floor》 (1999)

别 名:13th Floor, The(1999) (USA) (alternative spelling)

译 名:异次元骇客 / 第十三度凶间 / 异次元黑客........

导 演:约瑟夫•鲁斯纳克 Josef Rusnak

主 演:阿明•缪勒-斯塔尔 Armin Mueller-Stahl .... Hannon Fuller/Grierson

文森特•诺费奥 Vincent D'Onofrio .... Jason Whitney/Jerry Ashton

格雷琴•莫尔 Gretchen Mol .... Jane Fuller/Natasha Molinaro

Bob Clendenin .... Bank Manager Will Wallace .... Other Ashton (uncredited)

蒂雅•泰克萨达 Tia Texada .... Natasha's Roomate

斯蒂文•沙博 Steven Schub .... Zev Bernstein

安德鲁•埃尔登 Andrew Alden .... Doorman

Brooks Almy .... Bridget's Mom

西瑞•阿普莱比 Shiri Appleby .... Bridget Manilla

克雷戈•比克 Craig Bierko .... Douglas Hall/John Ferguson/David

Jeff Blumenkrantz .... Choreographer

Ron Boussom .... Maitre'd

Hadda Brooks .... Lounge Piano Player

Ernie Brown .... 30's Cop

上 映:1999年04月16日 ( 丹麦 )

地 区:美国 德国 ( 拍摄地 )

对 白:英语

颜 色:彩色

时 长:100 分钟

类 型:科幻 惊秫 神秘

剧 情: 2000年以前,柏拉图提出设想说:真正的世界只是存在于我们的想象中。当今的社会证实了这一观点,每一样东西,从“灵巧炸弹”到核试验都能够在计算机中模拟。这种模拟提供了非常有价值的信息,同时减少了对现实世界可能产生的破坏。 假如这个世界原来就是虚假的,假如这个理论被发展,现实和虚幻的界限被模糊,假如一切早就存在了,会怎样? 《异次元骇客》预示了这种诱人但可怕的可能性。在一栋公共大楼的十三楼,想象力丰富的道格拉斯霍尔(克莱格比科)和汉农富勒(阿明穆勒斯太尔)将虚拟现实发挥到了极限,他们在计算机上模拟了1937年的洛杉矶。霍尔在迷惘中醒来,发现富勒被谋杀,而他的房子里有一件带血的衬衫。霍尔成为了头号嫌疑犯。他做了吗?为什么他记不起什么东西?还有什么能够连接这虚拟世界呢? 影片系《黑客帝国》原型。与《黑客帝国》不同的是,影片中包含的浪漫情节,于充满神秘色彩的故事中升华,增添了人道主义和浪漫主义的成分,是一部不可多得的科幻作品。男主角克雷戈•比克(Craig Bierko)和女主角格雷琴•莫尔(Gretchen Mol)的完美组合,更让观众耳目一新,尤其是格雷琴•莫尔优雅的气质,征服了异次元的观众。

  • 评论列表:
  •  野欢羁拥
     发布于 2022-06-11 01:25:54  回复该评论
  • bsp;explain.nbsp;Butnbsp;younbsp;feelnbsp;it.nbsp;You‘venbsp;feltnbsp;itnbsp;yournbsp;entirenbsp;life.nbsp;Thatnbsp;there‘
  •  夙世夏见
     发布于 2022-06-11 09:12:08  回复该评论
  • same thing. And when he found me... he told me that i wasn't really looking for him....I was looking for an answer. It's the question that driv
  •  礼忱绣羽
     发布于 2022-06-11 01:37:27  回复该评论
  • 益的根本就是生存的欲望,而叔本华在论自杀中就说过,像是主义,信仰,就可以超越生死,何况是仅仅被Smith入侵呢. Neo: What choice? Oracle: It doesn't matter.
  •  南殷月棠
     发布于 2022-06-11 08:25:05  回复该评论
  • I know. I know. But what if he does? Apoc: He won't. Trinity: Come on. . Neo: So, is thi
  •  假欢旧竹
     发布于 2022-06-11 05:49:37  回复该评论
  • hat.MORPHEUS: I can see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expe


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